Sunday Morning – In Person or Online!
In Person on Sunday Mornings we have our FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE in the Main Sanctuary at 10:00 am
We have nursery & kids’ church at our 10:00 am service.
We are streaming online on FaceBook Live for the 10:00 am service.
If you cannot make it to our 10 AM service please join us online!
TCC Giving & Announcements!
Every Sunday morning, we have a family worship service, beginning at 10 AM.
Our pastors consistently bring words of relevant encouragement, teaching, and truth.
Engaging you in challenging your Growth, and filling you with Hope, as you hear the Truth of God’s word communicated in love.
You can come expecting to be touched by the reality of God’s presence.

Welcome Home!

We want each person who steps through our doors to genuinely feel that they belong. We strive to create a focused, authentic environment that feels like you are enjoying your time with family.
We uncompromisingly teach and instruct people according to the word of God; so that they believe in Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord.
As they grow in their relationship with the Lord, we commit to equipping them to build the church and the kingdom, leading each person to be transformed to accomplish all that God has purposed for them.
Staying Connected during the Week!
Country Church Facebook Groups
(You may have to ask to join to see the posts)